Frequently asked questions.
What can I expect at the first appointment?
The first appointment with Dr. Margaret is 90 minutes and will include a detailed intake of current and historic medical history. No stone will be left uncovered in order to assess the root cause of your issue/s and a plan will be set in motion to begin healing. If you so desire, there will be time for an acupuncture treatment. You will leave with nutritional insight, supportive herbal remedies and/or supplements if necessary, and a treatment plan.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Short answer, it can, but not always. Margaret is gentle and most people are pleasantly surprised. However, some areas of the bodies, such as the feet, are more sensitive and a small prick can be felt more in these areas. You are the boss of your body and Dr. Margaret will always only needle where and when you are ready.
How many sessions does it take to heal?
This question is always hard to answer as everybody is different. If you have acute pain or illness it can be as few as 1 to 3 treatments. If we are treating a chronic condition, more sessions are needed. Each treatment builds on the last and consistency maintains a state of restoration and repair. Most people feel a notable shift in their chronic condition by the end of the 5th session, but again, there is no hard and fast rule.
How should I prepare for my treatment?
Drink water and have something to eat. Put on some loose fitting and comfortable clothes. Bring in any current (within the last 6 months) bloodwork.