Treating Long-Covid
Eastern & Functional Medicine effectively treat Long Covid
The prevalence of Long-Covid ranges between 20-30% of all those who have tested positive for COVID-19 at some point. People are suffering and, for the most part, not finding answers in the conventional medical model. The resources they have at hand within most hospital settings are limited and often fail to find effective solutions for many long-haul patients, especially when care is often dictated by insurance.
What Margaret has learned in these past two years in treating those with Long-Covid is that the ancient principles of eastern medicine can hold up to a “new virus.” Through observation and assembly of symptoms there are underlying patterns that illuminate a successful path to healing. Herbal remedies that have treated humans through several pandemics are still relevant and effective today.
As a practitioner Margaret stays buoyant in thinking and is constantly reminded to change protocols as the body begins to heal and reveal other physiological imbalances. There never was a “one-size-fits-all” for effective medicine, and this is especially obvious with the long-haul sufferers.
Long-Covid has reminded us that there is always more to the story then the symptoms people show up with. There can be underlying nutrient deficiencies, untreated co-infections such as chronic Lyme or Epstein-Barr, or organs that were already burdened that were “tipped over” from the exposure to Covid. We have sharpened our detective skills to uncover the root causes of why Long-Covid is affecting some and not others.
“After two years as a practitioner in a nationally registered “Covid Care Clinic” I am excited to share that there is hope, there are solutions, and that suffering is not inevitable. The path to healing may not be straight and narrow, but the path is lit with wisdom that is centuries old.”

“After years of battling Long-Covid, I finally found help at Helios Integrative Medicine and began experiencing improvement! Through acupuncture and herbal medicine, I am more active, experience less neuropathy and pain, and have a stronger immune system. Dr. Hampton has a deep knowledge of Chinese medicine and an empathetic intuitiveness, which sets her apart from other acupuncturists. I am gratefully optimistic that I will make a full recovery.”